Al3x' Tech Blog

Articles in Serverless category - yet another OpenSource Serverless MVP

After ~10 years of experience in managing servers at small and medium scales, and despite the fact that I still love doing sysadmin stuff and I constantly try to learn new and better ways to approach and solve problems, there’s one thing that I think I’ve learned very well: it’s hard to get the operation part right, very hard.

Instead of dealing with not-so-interesting problems …

Lastversion: a Go serverless proof of concept developed on OpenWhisk

It seems that recently every OSS tool I’ve been using during my working day (together with many other cool projects) is written in Go, so I decided to teach myself a little bit of it having fun in the meanwhile, in the not-too-rare case I’ll need to troubleshoot one of them, or simply understand better how it works. Unsurprisingly enough, the Net is full of excellent documentation …